How do you know if he’s into you?

The truth is that this question is a little difficult to answer, as it is impossible for you to know what is going on in the other person’s head. And that’s why I’m going to give you my biggest tip right away GET APPROACH TO THE PERSON, gradually show your interest, get to know the person little by little and see if this person is really what you want and if it is in the end, go there and tell them whatever you want, if he or she isn’t into it don’t feel bad, let’s move on to the next one.
It’s all about goals, you want that person and the person wants beauty for you, but if it’s the other way around, you can’t waste time with someone who doesn’t want you, wash your face and find your new “benefit”.
You can’t sit around waiting for someone to guess that you’re interested in him/her, but if you’re a very shy person here are some tips:

Eye contact – If the person maintains frequent and prolonged eye contact with you, this may be a sign of interest.
Physical proximity – If the person looks for opportunities to be close to you or positions themselves in a way that creates physical proximity, this may indicate interest.
Interest in your activities – If the person asks questions about your activities, interests and personal life, and shows genuine interest in getting to know you better, this could be a sign of interest.
Starts conversations – If the person starts conversations with you frequently and looks for opportunities to interact, this may indicate that they are interested in you.
Gives compliments – If someone compliments you, your style, your personality, or your achievements, this could be a sign that they are interested in you.
Shows of care – If the person cares about your well-being, offers help or support when needed, and is there when you need it, this may indicate genuine interest.
Laughter and smiles – If the person laughs at your jokes, smiles when they are with you, and seems happy in your presence, this could indicate that they are comfortable and attracted to you.

Don’t forget the best way to feel comfortable enough to talk about how you feel… so take advantage of the time, life goes by too quickly to wait for someone to show a sign.

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