How to lose weight?

There are several ways to lose weight, currently you can find many healthy tips and others that are not so healthy, so be very careful with the type of information you consume.
Before deciding what your weight loss plan will be, you need to ask yourself why you want it so much, for health, for aesthetics, for well-being? These are important questions and depending on your answer you will follow the best path to obtain your result. We must understand that to have a quality and healthy life, your only obligation is to maintain your weight, take care of your diet and practice some physical activity. In the rush of everyday life we ​​end up running out of time and forgetting about our health, guarantee your quality of life and then add other concerns to your list.

Where do I start?

Once you discover what your goals are, start setting aside quality time for yourself, organize your schedule and add time for some physical activity that catches your attention the most and try to do it at least 3x a week and then every few more days. Along with physical activity, it is necessary to start a diet, a healthy and quality diet. With good nutrition and physical activity, little by little you will be able to notice a change in your life.
Every change process is difficult and long, with small results at the beginning, but in the end everything will be fine.

 Here I leave the link to the keto diet if you are interested in this type of diet... Many celebrities follow this diet:

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