Ignoring annoying people politely can be challenging, but for the sake of your mental health here are some tips.
Keep busy: When you’re around someone you’d rather avoid, keep busy with activities or conversations with other people. This can politely signal that you are not available for extended interactions.
Be courteous and brief: Respond politely, but keep your answers short and to the point. Avoid engaging in prolonged conversations or asking questions that may encourage prolonged interaction.
Divert the subject: If the person starts talking about something you’re not interested in, subtly change the subject to something more neutral or something you enjoy discussing.
Set boundaries: If the person is crossing your boundaries, feel free to politely set clear boundaries and express that you need personal space.
Make polite excuses: If you need to walk away from the person, use polite excuses such as “Sorry, I need to run something now” or “I’m on a deadline and I need to focus.”
Thank and end the conversation: If the person insists on interacting, thank them for the conversation and end politely, saying something like “It was nice talking to you, but now I need to go.”
Remember that it’s important to be kind and respectful, even when ignoring someone